All good news today. We have an awesome new apartment ready to move into in the next couple of weeks. It'll be me, Ashlee(my current roommate), her boyfriend Dan and our friend Cheryl. I smell epic times ahead.
Finished those pesky taxes. First time doing them. I feel like an adult.
My entry for Ravelympics. TeamTARDIS!
Finished Sunshine. Pretty good read. Completely different(in a good way) of what I though it'd be(and what others in the same genre are like). Though it did make me(and now my roommate who's just started it) crave cinnamon rolls. So you know what?
Sunday evening plans!
TOS marathon...

Mmmmm...dessert for dinner. Yeah, I'm an adult.
photos from weheartit and googling awesomeness(okay, I just typed in Star Trek).