Shire Scarf:
It's on Ravelry... and Etsy
Foundation: chain 200. This is for a short scarf, you can add
more or less if you want a different length scarf.
Row 1: sc into 2nd chain from hook and every other found. chain
Row 2: chain 3, make puff stitch into 4th chain from hook,
*chain 1, skip stitch, make puff stitch into next
stitch* repeat from *
Row 3: Chain 3, make puff stitch in the stitch between the
first two puff stitches from the previous round,
*chain 1, skip stitch, make puff stitch into the next
stitch* repeat from * making sure you're puffs are
between the previous rounds puffs
Row 4-6: Repeat round 3.
You can choose to make the scarf wider by repeating the 3rd
round as many times as desired.
Final round: Chain 1, sc into every stitch. break yarn and
weave in any ends.
Yellow Brick Road Scarf:
It's also on Etsy... ...soon to be on Ravelry
Foundation: chain 200. Guage isn't important so you can add
or remove stitches for a different length scarf.
Row 1: Hdc into the 2nd chain from hook and every found. chain
Row 2: Chain 4, dc into the 5th chain from hook, *chain 1,
skip stitch, dc into the next stitch*, repeat from *
Row 3 & 4: Chain 2, Hdc into the 3rd chain from hook and every stitch
Row 5-9: Repeat Rd 2-4. This will make 3 panels of dc's and 2
repeats of hdc's. You can repeat the pattern for a wider
scarf if you want, ending with row 2
Final round: Chain 1, sc into every stitch. break yarn and
weave in any ends.
Also.....I'm offering free shipping for December at my Etsy shop. I'm also going to try adding new things every week. Yes, I'm being so ambitious in December. Maybe becuase I'll be a quarter of a century old on the 22nd...who knows.
OOOH PRETTY!!! I am going to try and make it!