Sunday, June 26, 2011

random photos Sunday

Cause they don't belong anywhere else.
At work:
My lovely desk...the wall of monitors can be a bit overwhelming sometimes.
 We were bored one day, so I joined a made up kingdom.
This is in one of the stalls in the women's bathroom. Win.
At home:
Cartoonishly large hipster glasses.
 My attempt to make Ziggy...he fell apart an hour later. (source: Toy-A-Day)
 Awesome poster is awesome.
 Wallace tries (and fails) to escape.
 Finally got around to buying movies I've been wanting for a long time.
Out and about:
Ashlee and Susan in our new practice space.
 Why yes Ragstock, I was looking for glitter pants and a cape.
Stay classy Logan Square.
 Not sure why this is happening.
 Found the greatest bench in life!
 Susan playing in a fountain. Isn't she adoriable?
Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Long weekend was long: part 1-Lenka

I had a work party to go to, but skipped out early to go see Lenka.
It was worth it.

It was amazing and exciting and everything I wanted from it. I love her so much!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Apartment makeover: part 3

Small change this time.
We tried to use some really, really old plaint to add a splash of color to our bathroom. All inspired by the classiest of hot pink flamingos shower curtain. Old oil based paint that was practically water + title= it didn't go well.

And yes, our bathroom is floor to ceiling tile. Painted. Even the door, so when you close it, it's like being in a fun house side show.
So I got a tester that seemed to be closer to the color we wanted. It went surprisingly well, despite the manly men of Home Depot telling me it wasn't possible with just paint.

Home improvements: I make it up as I go along.