Cause I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
And cause I started crafting because of the endless geeky things I wanted in my life.
First edition: Doctor Who.
It's been far too long since I've stencil/screen printed my own t shirts.

I'm pretty excited the Dalek's got a Starburst makeover. It'll be so much easier to justify using my rainbow scrap yarn on making more of them.

A bad picture of Rose's Doomsday gloves. I'll probably make another pair this winter.

Favorite made by someone else:
This kid could not be cuter.
Cyber Sweater by jknitsmith (Ravelry link)

and on the back.

On my to do list:
The holy grail. A fourth Doctor scarf.

Pattern/picture credit by
Chris Brimlow (ravlery link)
Other DW craft links:
Crafty TardisThe Doctor Who Scarf with patterns for every version.
Geek Crafts for an endless array of DW and geeky crafts