Thursday, March 31, 2011

Geektastic Thursday: Choosing some Comics

It's a short one today....
I've gotten back into comics. Despite being a bit overwhelming to pick one and trying to start up without knowing how far or if I should go back to the beginning.
I know I'm a Marvel girl at heart, now I just have to jump right back in....somehow.
But until then, I'm gonna make my way through this.
OH! And I decided I need this in my life.

Comic pow embroidered headband by janinebasil

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Return of Geektastic Thursday

Yes, I know. I've been dropping the ball when it comes to posting the only fairly regular post.
So here I am bringing it back. And if I ever forget again, someone throw a rabid tribble at me to get my act together. Or, you know, send an email.

This week I'm focusing on The Big Bang Theory. You know, that show I've been reluctant to get into cause it's a sitcom and I have some qualms about laugh tracks.
But oh my! I've almost caught completely up in the past couple of weeks. How I love this show now. And when I say love, I mean I love Sheldon. As anyone would. I love the others too, but come on. Sheldon. End of discussion.
Onto some crafts!!
Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock cross stitch by robinsdesign
I'm tempted to try and make this into some kind of cross stitch/embroidery...thing.
Big Bang plushies by cubosabio
Robot Rides Triceratops by happyfamily (also has other Big Bang themed shirts)
Feel free to judge my "hidden" movies and myspace photo taking ability.
And while I haven't come across a pattern for this gem (though I'm sure it's just some tweaks on a basic ear flap hat)...
...there is a pattern for Penny's two-tailed Santa hat.
All right. I have to stop myself. Company's coming over and I should be present for it and looking up Big Bang crafts while watching the show on my laptop is probably not the way to go about that.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

C2E2: creepin on celebrities and generally geeking out

I think I need to go to more cons. Just saying.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Night Plans

Cause I'm a huge nerd.
Also going to C2E2! It's gonna be awesome! Also acquired the camera I borrow from my sister again, so there will be pictures.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Challenge Accepted

I'll just jump right in,
I joined The Jane Eyre: Read the Book, See the Movie Challenge at Goodreads. Why? Cause it seemed like fun. And "I'm doing a literary challenge" sounded like a better excuse to go to the movie than "I like pretty costume dramas!" I'm probably not gonna go full on and re-read the entire book. I love my Bronte's, but I chose a bad month to read heavy on the melodrama books and some bits in Eyre might break me in half.

Also, this is my little widget for it. Isn't it cute and official?

The Jane Eyre Read the Book, See the Movie Challenge

The Jane Eyre Read the Book, See the Movie Challenge

Danielle has

completed 2 steps toward this challenge.


Enter for your chance to win a Kindle and more! Then go see Jane Eyre in select theatres March 11!