Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I went to Renegade and all I got were some things

Yeah....I forgot how overwhelming and crowded the Winter Renegade Craft Fair is.
It was fun though!
I didn't get/see/do as much as I wanted to cause of the mass of people, but I did get these two things! I feel like such an adult.
In other news: I've yet to decorate the apartment or successfully purchase any holiday gifts for anyone. I think I'm failing December so far. Hopefully, this will change this week.

Monday, November 14, 2011

in which I recycle for nostalgia

I don't get to go to the library as much as I want to, mostly cause I constantly forget to return books, cause I'm bad at setting deadlines for myself.
But excuses aside, I love libraries. And do not like that library cards are no longer the way to mark when something's due. I don't know about other cities, but here in Chicago, we now get receipts. Really? Receipts. I lose those in the bottom of my bag and under my bed when tossing them out of my pants.
I miss library cards.
So, this happened!
I bought t some recycled, multi-colored library cards and made these cute-sy bookmarks. Inspired by Hogwarts house colors (if Hogwarts was more pastel).
Here they are!
The cards are from Knot & Bow, which has so many cute things, it took a lot of will power not to buy half the things on there.
Step 1: Trim them down to what seemed like a good "bookmark" width. Luckily, that just so happened to be enough so you can still see all the important bits.
Step 2: Punch some holes!
Step 3: Add ribbon. I also used a little fabric glue to keep the parts where the ribbon attached together and sturdy.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sandra Lee is shaking her head at me

I love cheesecake.
So, I decided to make homemade pumpkin cheesecake. From scratch. Vegan to boot so my roommates could eat them. Also, cupcake size. Cause, why not?
This is what went down...
 Taking my nervousness out on graham crackers.
 The crust doesn't look right, but hey, the internet said to make it this way. To the oven!
Bad idea...I owe someone a new cupcake pan. Oh well....moving on!
 Should I go to the store for pumpkin spice? Nah! I know what's in it.
 Second attempt. Went much better. Don't bake it, who knew? Apparently, a different website.
 Teeeeeeny batch. 
 To the fridge with you!
This all happened yesterday. They've yet to fully set so it's more like a cheesecake custard, but at least they taste like they should!
And that's why, I should not be allowed in the kitchen alone.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Renegade 2011

It's been a few years since I've been to Renegade Craft Fair, and that's a shame! It was glorious! I was a bit on the broke side, but I did spend most of my time collecting cards like crazy, and plan to search for a handful of the sellers and purchase some awesome handmade things in the near future.
I didn't write down all the shops (cause I'm a failbot), so apologies if I miss some here (let me know if you recognize any of them and I'll link properly).
Mojo Spa is too cute for words. And a local store!

 The only thing I bought: from Ryan Berkley Illustration. A shark in a suit bottle opener. He's my Erik/Magneto, so now I can open all the bottles!

They had free pins if you wore them around the fair.
 Took a break for a delicious veggie slider and apple cider from Mana.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I went to Ren Fair and all I got were these pictures

One day, I'll go to Ren Fair fully decked to the nines in appropriate attire like most of my friends get to. Le sigh.
But we had an awesome time! Look at the proof!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

with eyes like the sea after a storm

As I'm currently saturated with a zillion shows spinning in my head, I decided I should try to be somewhat productive as I get lost in a sea of fictional drama.
So I started this. The design is from a t-shirt I see floating around whenever I try to find Princess Bride things (cause I need more in my life).
So far, it's only ok (holes up the wazoo!), since I was too lazy to walk the twenty minutes to JoAnn's for proper embroidery fabric and new tools.
One of these days I'll get the hang of it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

GenCon vs Wizard Con

Over the past two weekends, I've been to GenCon in Indianapolis and Wizard Con in Rosemont.
Hands down, GenCon was more fun. Wizard Con had awesome celebs, and I may have flipped my shat over seeing Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto from Torchwood) but it was way too crowded and not laid out in any way that made sense. I spent more time in heaps of crowds trying to get somewhere than I did actually doing anything.
Plus, at GenCon, I got to go with Ashlee and Susan, in costumes. Yeah. It was awesome.
We plan to go to Capricon in Febuary and Acen in April. Yeah. We're those sort of nerds.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

work and fake names

I added some Rickman to my monitors at work. I'm such a professional. I need more, but I haven't decided of what yet.

My new title in the world of magic is Daniella Greenadle.
Take Harry Potter Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.