Tuesday, January 11, 2011

dropping the ball

I keep forgetting to update, cause, well, not much has been going on. Just filling out a lot of paper work for my new job and a whole lot of watching...
I'm halfway through 7. I keep watching it alone at night, which is not the best idea. And I know what's gonna happen in just a tiny bit, and I'm not looking forward to it. But I still love this show. I'm gonna be sad when I'm finished with it.

I'm also thinking of doing another 50 books this year. I got my roomie/best friend Ashlee into it and she's about three books in and so now I'm jonesing to do it again. Which means I should hit up a used book store or start frequenting the library since I'm down to my last ten or so books on my shelf. We'll see how the next couple of weeks go. As always, I'd love some recommendations on books.

On a useless update note: I finished Lego Harry Potter the other day. It was kinda lame by the end. As if a lego game could be anything but.

Knitting, TV, and reading. My last week of idle hermit living has been going quite smoothly, if I do say so myself.

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